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The poem "I Made This" is a simple but heartfelt expression of love and appreciation. The speaker begins by asking the listener to see their feet, which are wiggling and strong. The speaker then reveals that they made those feet, even the toes, just for the listener because they love them.


The poem's imagery is simple but effective. The poem's tone is playful and affectionate. This adds a touch of lightness to the poem, while still conveying the speaker's sincere love for the listener.


The poem's ending is simple but powerful. The speaker repeats, "I made this foot just for you because I love you." This repetition emphasizes the speaker's deep and abiding love for the listener.


Overall, the poem "I Made This" is a simple but powerful expression of love, appreciation, and self-acceptance. It is a poem that will resonate with readers of all ages.

I Made This

SKU: 9798865
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